Chapter 7 > Future Imperfect > "The Lost One" [ HOME ] [ ARCHIVES ] [ CHARACTERS ] [ WIKI ] [ LINKS ]
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News from the Front: So the second collection of Invincible Mike is almost ready at the printers, and I for one am excited. Invincible Mike and the Journeymen: Journey's End should be out in the next month or two, and it will collect years three and four of the comic. I also am including a ten page story exclusive to the book featuring the Psi Division, and what happened to them between the "Future's Past" and "Invincible No More" storylines.
Like the first one, all preordered copies will be signed and numbered, on the off chance I get famous one day and that sort of thing is worth more than the squat it is right now. :)
Oh, and for those who don't know this yet, I'll be appearing as a guest at Bork Con this summer too! Woot for more cons on the schedule.
-Ross |  |